Yoga for Children

According to the discipline of yoga the physical body, thoughts, emotions and soul are inseparable aspects of the Human being which is in continuous relationship with the surrounding environment.
In the Yoga workshop for children this awareness underlies all the activities in progress, proposing a lesson that considers and stimulates the child in its complexity.
Our goal is to help him develop concentration, free his creativity, exercise it on expression and inner cultivation.

The famous psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung has defined the science of yoga "the most ancient investigation that man has ever carried out on body and mind". Making children, who already know it, understand how important the tendency to not forget the union is of great importance.

The Dalai Lama he said: "If we taught every child to meditate, we would eliminate violence in the world within a generation."
Children learn what they live!

This is why the project was born in Yoga Space: THAT HISTORY THE YOGA!

To whom it is dedicated

Benefits for body and mind
The work done helps boys and girls to become aware of their body and their potential, bringing important benefits from the postural point of view: the Asanas (positions) stimulate the muscles, support the mobility of the joints and the spine.
These positions combined with the awareness of breathing act not only on the skeletal-muscular apparatus, but also on the endocrine, circulatory and immune systems.
In addition to bringing benefits to the body, the Asanas support and balance the energy system of the child and girl, essential for maintaining a good state of health, not only physical but also mental and emotional: from the psychic and cognitive point of view, the asanas develop attention, concentration , sense of coordination, confidence and security of one's body and one's abilities, sense of relaxation and relaxation.

How it happens
The game is the language that will be used in the laboratory to talk to children and girls disguising every activity and proposal with stories and fantasy. During the workshop will be proposed stories from which to be guided to work with the body through yoga.
A brief presentation of the course to the parents is provided, as well as an experiential feedback of each child.


Every Saturday afternoon:
- 14.30 - 15.30 Yoga Teens (10-13 years) (secondary school)
- h16-17 Yoga Junior (6-10 years) (primary school)
- 17.30 - 18.30 Yoga Kids (3-6 years) (childhood school)


First free trial lesson.


  • 4/07 (10,30/11,30)  PARCO LOCATELLI
  • 6/07 (10,30/11,30)  PARCO TURANI REDONA
  • 12/07 (10,30/11,30)  PARCO LOCATELLI
  • 17/07 (10,30/11,30) PARCO TURANI REDONA
  • 19/07 (10,30/11,30) PARCO LOCATELLI 

  • 6/08 (10,30/11,30) PARCO TURANI REDONA

  • 4/09 (10,30/11,30) PARCO TURANI REDONA

AnnaChiara Perraro

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